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  • Making money on anything from 1-page website to keeping your mouth shut

Making money on anything from 1-page website to keeping your mouth shut

Carrd, a versatile one-page site builder, was crafted single-handedly.

Now, the stats will blow your mind:

🚀 Hosts a whopping 2.5M sites
 ğŸ‘¥ All brought to life by an active user base of 1.6M
💰 Racking up over $1M in ARR
📈 Adding more than 10k new sites daily

And the intriguing part?

The creator is one person. Yes, just one!
Imagine the possibilities with the right tools and determination.

 $2M ARR and keep your mouth shut

There's a business out there called Hostage Tape - it's mouth tape designed for a variety of uses, like sleep and running.

Now here's the jaw-dropper:

First year revenue? A cool $600k. Second year? They made a leap to $2M!

Guess there's quite a market in keeping our mouths shut.

Making 6 figures on transparency

Did you know? Recent laws across multiple US states mandate companies to disclose certain job-related pay aspects. This young entrepreneur, Hannah Williams, has leveraged this change brilliantly.

She quit her 115K job to ask people one simple question - what do you do and how much do you make? Her social accounts exploded: 1M on TikTok, 450K on Instagram - all within a year.

Not just that, she's turned her popularity into profit. Affiliates, workshops, a subscription database for salary information - she's making a fortune!

Regulatory changes opening new opportunities? Indeed!